
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Come what may, and love it.

Saturday was my birthday and my hubby had training so he took Friday off to suprise me.  It was a wonderful suprise!  He arranged babysitting for the kiddos and whisked me away to my favorite place on earth.  I can't tell you how nice it was to have some time with my husband without any interruptions.  We had the best converstation on Friday morning and I am still smiling becuase of it.

We are coming up on our 10th anniversary and looking back it's been quite a ride.  We've had some really amazing times and some really not amazing times.  Through it all, my faith in my Savior and a sincere desire to find happiness, peace, and love have carried me through the easy and the hard.  We have been truly blessed with more than we could wish for and I am so happy to be me right now.  We know that hard times will come.  When they do, we will welcome them as a chance to learn and grow and turn our hearts upward.

As we spoke we were both reminded of a story that we heard a couple of years ago.  I hope it fills you with encouragement and a resolve to choose happiness.

"When I was young I loved playing sports, and I have many fond memories of those days. But not all of them are pleasant. I remember one day after my football team lost a tough game, I came home feeling discouraged. My mother was there. She listened to my sad story. She taught her children to trust in themselves and each other, not blame others for their misfortunes, and give their best effort in everything they attempted.

"When we fell down, she expected us to pick ourselves up and get going again. So the advice my mother gave to me then wasn’t altogether unexpected. It has stayed with me all my life.

“Joseph,” she said, “come what may, and love it.”

"I have often reflected on that counsel.

"I think she may have meant that every life has peaks and shadows and times when it seems that the birds don’t sing and bells don’t ring. Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser, and happier as a result."  -Joseph B. Wirthlin

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