
Monday, June 14, 2010

Messy Monday -- Handprints for Father's Day

First off, there is still time to enter my giveaway for free ad space on The Pumpkin Patch or my giveaway at Thrifty Decor Chick for $50 at my etsy shop.  So don't forget to enter both!

I LOVE my kid's handprints.  I love watching them grow through the size of their handprints.  Today's post will be a compilation of different handprint projects we have done over the years and will hopefully give you some great ideas.

We made Salt Dough keepsakes for Mother's Day.  The directions are here.  It would be really cool to roll out the dough, put your child's handprint in it, and then put the circle into the bottom of a bowl or on a curvy plate before you bake it.  Doing so would turn up the edges a little so it can hold all of the stuff Dads take out of their pockets when they get home from work.

Or you could make "pop-art" out of your little munchkin's hands.  You can get larger items laminated for a small fee at teacher stores.  Then you can put it in a frame or use it as a placemat.

Every year for Father's Day I have made Mr. Wonderful a tie with the kid's handprints on it.  I have always made it out of paper and laminated it and put yarn at the top so he could wear it.  And yes, he does wear it to church every single year.  What a guy!  These are the ones I made for the last two years.  The white one is from 2008 and the green one is from 2009.  You can actually see how much bigger their hands are from one year to the next.  I love it!

This year I am going to make him an actual cloth tie that he can wear like a real tie.  I'm going to follow this pattern and trace the kids handprints all over it with a fabric marker.  Then I'm going to use one color for each kid and embroider over each handprint.  I can't wait to see what it looks like.

What have you done for Messy Monday?  Link it up!

Here are the rules.

  1. Use the permalink to your actual post, not your general blog address.

  2. Grab the Messy Monday button and display it on your sidebar or in your post.


  3. Go check out what others have done and leave them some comment love!
I'm linking this to the following sites:
• Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
• Market yourself Monday @ Sumo’s Sweet Stuff
• Making the World Cuter Monday @ Making the World Cuter
• Anti-Procrastination Tuesday@ New Nostalgia
• Take a look Tuesday @ Sugar Bee Craft Edition
• Show and Tell @ Blue Cricket Design
• We Did it Wednesday @ Sew Much Ado
• Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Chic Cottage
• Strut your stuff Thursday @ Somewhat Simple
• Favorite Things Friday @ A Few of my Favorite Things
• Frugal Friday @ The Shabby Nest
• Home and Family Friday @ Home is Where my Story Begins


  1. What an amazing idea! You are so clever!

  2. What fun for kids! Thanks for sharing and for hosting the party! Rory

  3. So cute! I love kiddos handprints too.


  4. Sarah, that's a fabulous gift for any dad! Thanks!
    I have referred to your post in our blog. Check it out.

    father's day offers



  5. Love the handcrafts, lol! So cute and clever. Thanks for hosting the linky party each week, it's always so much fun.

  6. What great Fathers day ideas! The ties are super cute and it is so neat to see how the kids hands grow. Thanks for sharing.
