
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Transform Tuesday -- Linen Closet Reorganization

When we moved into our house I was so excited to have a nice big linen closet.  I took all of my sheets, blankets, towels, etc and carefully organized them and put them in my closet.  I was so proud of myself.  Well, that was 3 years ago and I haven't done it since.  I have just been shoving the clean stuff in and shutting the doors quickly so nothing would fall out.  Then I finally just stopped putting stuff into the closet and piling it on the floor next to the closet.  Pathetic right?

My mom came into town about a week or so ago and asked me why I had so many towels and sheets on the floor.  I showed her why and all she said was "...Oh, Sarah...".  So on Monday my friend and my Mom took everything out of the closet and re-folded, sorted, organized and put it all back.  So nice huh?!  I had to promise them that it wouldn't happen again though.  :)  All I can say is Thank You!

Here's the Before:

And the After:

What have you done for Transform Tuesday?  Link it up!!
Here are the rules:
1.  Link to your actual post, not to your general blog address.
2.  Grab my Transform Tuesday button and post it somewhere on your blog.


3.  Go see what everyone else has done and leave them some comment love!

I'm not linking this to anyone since we are out of town.


  1. Oh isn't it wonderful to have special 'sort-your-mess-out-Fairies' Jeeze could I do with a few of those around my house! we speak my fhubby is sorting out our own I guess I do! Yay!
    Enjoy your 'NEW' Space.

  2. Ahhhhh - an organized linen closet. I feel I may never know how that feels. :) Haha!

    Thank you so much for hosting a lovely party!! :)

  3. Sarah, I just read our New You Challenge and your training schedule. I'm motivate to taking better care of myself and it has to start now.

    Yoli :)

  4. Thanks for hosting Transform Tuesday!

    ~Lori S.

  5. That's a great linen closet! What a transformation!!!! Thanks for hosting the linky.heather
