
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Whatever Wednesday -- Cute Little Bag

I recently had a conversation with E that made me giggle.  I thought I would share it with you.  But first I have to let you all know that E doesn't like that I call her E on my blog and she asked me if I would call her Daisy instead.  So forevermore she will be referred to as Daisy.  Anyway, here is how our conversation went.

Daisy:  Mom, can you make me a little bag...sort of like your purse, but waaaay smaller? 

Me:  Sure.  What do you want it to look like?

Daisy:  I want it pink and green with two handles.

Me:  Okay.  Do you want fabric or yarn?

Daisy:  Yarn, of course!  (a girl after my own heart.)

Me:  Yarn sounds good to me.  Do you want anything else?

Daisy:  Yes, I want it to be cute.

Me:  Okay.  Anything else?

Daisy:  One more thing.  Can you make sure is has plenty of fashion?

Me:  Of course!  (trying very hard not to laugh before she was out of earshot.)

Seriously.  Could my little 7 year old be any cuter?  What am I going to do when she's a teenager?!

And here it is.  What do you think?

I'm linking to these sites.  Go check them out.


  1. Hahaha. You know every great bag needs to have plenty of fashion! That is such a cute bag.

  2. It's VERY cute! I just love it--it would make a great Christmas present for a niece. Did you write a pattern?

  3. I didn't write a pattern, but I could pretty easily. I'll see if I can come up with one.

  4. LOL! Thanks for the early morning smile!

  5. Just found your site from Crazy Domestic. Love your creativity, especially the laundry room makeover.
    April @

  6. That would be great! Thanks, Sarah!

  7. I love this !!! Enjoy her being 7, i won't tell you what they ask for when they're teenagers! I'd love a tutorial for this too. Both my girls learned how to crochet over the summer and this would be a fun project.

  8. this is super cute!
    i could see filling it with goodies and it making the perfect gift bag!

  9. Popped in from Toot your Horn Tuesday but I'm not sure you're participating?

    Cute little crocheted bag.
