
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Transform Tuesday -- Bald is Beautiful!!

My friend Corinne and I teamed with St. Baldricks and shaved our heads to raise money for children's cancer research and we donated our hair to Beautiful Lengths so that it can be made into wsig for people who have lost their hair from chemotherapy.



So how's that for a transformation?!  There's still time to donate to children's cancer research.  Even $5 will help.  Click here.

I'm linking to these sites.  Go check them out!

What have you transformed?  Link it up!

Here are the rules:

1.  Use the link to your actual blog post, not your general blog address.
2.  Grab a button and post it on your blog somewhere.

3.  Check out what everyone has done and leave them some comment love!


  1. You both look gorgeous!!! Just beautiful.

  2. So beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us. Very inspiring!

  3. Gorgeous!!!

    Lots of love direct to you, from Portugal


  4. Such a wonderful gift. And I must say, you 2 are a couple a bald hotties!

  5. How special you both are! I grew my hair for 17 months so I could donate 10" to Locks for Love but I'm not brave enough to go bald. What AMAZING women you are (and beautiful,too!)

  6. You look beautiful! I bet it felt strange to "wash" your hair! Missed you at homecoming, but glad it was for a good cause!

  7. I am so impressed by the sacrifices you have both made to help others!

  8. You girls are awesome!

    I linked up to the wrong theme....sorry!

  9. You are both so beautiful! What a wonderful thing you are doing.

  10. You both look amazing, I wish I had the nerve.

  11. Wow! That has got to feel amazing!

  12. Work it! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  13. You both are AMAZING for doing this. You both ALSO proved that bald isn't just's sexy too! ;)

  14. You are very brave and very generous! You both look just beautiful.

  15. You both are absolutely beautiful! What a great thing you have done!!!

  16. Such an inspiration!!! Such a great cause, thank you!

  17. AWESOME! Inside and Out! I work at our lil local grocery store, and I have been asking for and receiving donations left and right! Gotta give the best gift I can... You girls Rock!

  18. wow! you look great. I think my head to too bumpy to go bald but I did donate 13 inches in August!

  19. Wow! Amazing and you both look great! They are going to have an event locally here soon. I wish I was so willing to participate....but I'm not. We do have a few girls who are though! Good job girls!

  20. Found you through the Blog Hops.

    What a great thing you all did to help others!! :0)

    Hope you will visit either or both of my blogs and follow.

    So Stylilized-FREE Custom Blog Designs:

    Jessicas Lil Corner-

  21. whoa, that's awesome! how liberating!

    i have a birthday giveaway going on, if you'd like to enter. i feel you should win something, lol.

  22. Wow! That's so wonderful of both of you to do that! You both look great!:-)

  23. I'll have to say that this is the most beautiful transformation of all!

  24. You ladies are awesome!
    Beautiful transformation : )

  25. Wow. You are both inspiring. Saw your link on Skip to my Lou. My neighbor just showed me a book she wrote about alopecia (baldness) to help girls' self esteem. It is a really cute story about a girl who loses a strand of hair each day until she is bald and her creative solutions and great attitude. She self published it and is trying to market it. Take a look,

  26. You both are pulling this off beautifully!!! Wow!! I'm in awe!

  27. I love you both for doing this. What an inspiration and a gift!

    Jenny @ The Southern Institute

  28. This is the best transformation I've seen yet!! This was very inspiring!

  29. Beautiful. What a sweet sentiment and what a gorgeous look.

  30. I'm blown away you two! You seriously look beautiful! You inspire me! I'm going to post a link to this post on my FB page! You guys are incredible!

  31. Bravo!!! It's stories like this that restore my faith in humanity. Thank you so much for sharing and for such an inspirational gift.

  32. Wow, you're amazing! And you look amazing too. So inspiring and generous!

  33. You have been an inspiration to many for your courage to shave your head in support of childhood cancer research. But I'm lucky - you've been inspiring me in everything you do for 28 years. Thanks for being the best big sis a girl could have. Love you!

  34. You do not know me... and I came accross your site from another craft site.. I do not have cancer, but I have alopecia.. and have been battling it for almost 3 years now. I am 30 yrs old, a wife, and a mother of 2 little boys. I have been completely bald for 2 years now.. and it is just starting to come back in. I saw this post.. and just wanted to tell you both what an incredibly, selfless thing you both you did.. as a woman... most of us let our hair define us as women. You did a wonderful, BEAUTIFUL thing for people that cannot control losing thier hair, and I wanted to thank you for that. You both are absolutely beautiful women.
    Emilie K

  35. Of course this post caught my attention at the Home is Where My Story Begins link party... so touching that you would both do this. And yes, you do look beautiful!

  36. I know I should have expected it, but I am so surprised at how much your hair sent a message about your personality and now that is gone. It's like the real you is coming out. I don't know you, but I am so proud of you. Lisa~

  37. I'm inspired! You both look gorgeous!

  38. Very inspiring and gorgeous! Bald looks good on you both :)

  39. Bald is GORGEOUS!!! I am so inspired by you and your friend! What an awesome thing to do. I have a 22 yr old nephew who is currently going through Chemo. Thank you so much for your sacrifice and donation. I really have been so touched by this post.

  40. One woman I knew who had breast cancer said it was more difficult loosing her hair than loosing her breast. You are truly selfless woman! And your friend too!

    Love the new-do!

    Just Better Together

  41. Okay, I just stumbled here per chance...but HAVE to leave a comment. I looked JUST like you and your friend, 13 years ago. I lost all of my hair on my whole body due to 10 months of chemotherapy to treat Breast Cancer. I love how proud you wear your bald head! I wore a baseball cap, could never quite go totally uncovered...hehe. I sure saved money on shampoo that year! I love, love, love what you are doing and Yes, bald is B.E.A.U.T.F.U.L!

  42. Your hair will make a beautiful wig. You both look wonderful!

  43. You know what? It actually suits you! What a wonderful thing you have done and how fun to start over with your hair. :) I'm just now following up after my donation, I hope it made a difference!

  44. Wow, you are so courageous, altruistic, kind-hearted...I could go on and on.

    You are truly an inspiration. Thanks for sharing!

