
Friday, January 28, 2011

My article is being published!!!!!

Several months ago I submitted an article to an online journal, The Power of Moms. I didn’t hear from them, so I just assumed my article wasn’t accepted. Just this week I got an email saying that it was accepted and would be published TODAY! I realize this is just a tiny little article, but I am very excited abut it. My life long dream is to write a book and I see this as the first of many steps. If you would like to read it, you can follow this link.

I'm sure many of you didn't know that becoming an author is a dream of mine because I never talk about it.  I guess it means so much to me that I’ve been afraid to share it for fear of it not coming true. Now my confidence is boosted. I feel that with LOTS of hard work, maybe my dream can come true. So to all of you who love me and support me...THANK YOU!!!

Now go read my article and tell me what you think.  :)


  1. Simply beautiful!!

    I have a huge smile just imagining that precious woman.

    What a nice reminder to enjoy our kids and to be a blessing to others--THANK you!

    ...and congratulations on being published! Very exciting!

  2. Congratulations Sarah!!

    Your article was excellent!! I wish there were more people like the lady in Costco walking around this world. :)

    BTW, I also aspire to be a I can only imagine your excitement over your first published work!! :)

  3. Okay, first of all, the day you wrote this I ran right over, read the article, and chortled knowingly-
