
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Whatcha Got Wednesday -- I have hair!

Remember when I did this?  Well guess what?  It is growing back. I actually got a haircut on Christmas Eve and I LOVE it.  I feel so cute and dare I say it...SEXY.  It has been really interesting watching my hair grow back.  I always parted it on my right side, but as it has grown back in, I've realized that it naturally parts on the left.  I also found out that I have a little spot in the back that grows BLACK hair.  So random!

Aside from being able to raise money for children's cancer research, I have had some really great experiences from doing this.  My kids go to a Montessori school (which we love) and so they are all about community and helping others and teach amazing values like honesty, respect, integrity, service, etc.  When their teachers heard what I was doing, each of them asked me to come and talk to their classes.  I was able to go in before and talk about it and read them age appropriate stories about cancer and loosing your hair.  Then I was able to go back in after and show them what I looked like with no hair and how it would be used to help someone who needed it more than me.  It was such an amazing experience and I consider myself lucky to have been able to participate.  Now whenever I am up at the school I have 50 little kids who want to come up and say hello and give me a high 5.  It is awesome!



p.s.  We have been working our booties off at our house.  We are re-doing our kitchen and it is looking soooooooo good.  I can't wait to show you.  Stay tuned!

Now it's your turn.  Show me Whatcha Got!

1.  Link up the actual blog post, not your blog address.
2.  Grab my button and post it somewhere on your blog.


3.  Check out what everyone else is up to and leave them some comment love.


  1. So cute! My hair isn't long enough to lay down in the front like that yet....I can't wait though! You are beautiful, Sarah!

  2. Isn't it something how you have noticed so much about your hair that you never really noticed before. Thank you for making this sacrifice for the children. It deeply touched my heart.

  3. you look so cute with your little pixie cut!

  4. you are smart dear..cute as well...
    i want to assure you that i add just one time,the egg decoupage but its showing 4 i feel poor..please delete others & dont mind its not my fault friend...hehe

  5. Hi Sarah, thanks for stopping by trendy pockets! I had the "Easy V-day art", if you go to you can create this simple, free project!

  6. You look great!!

    Thanks for the link party.

  7. Sarah I love the sassy hair! You are beautiful inside and out. Love and miss you!
