I was trying very hard to have a conversation with my husband about whether or not to buy a GPS (no we still don't have one), but I couldn't even hear him becuase my little beauties were being so awesome. Do I even need to mention all of the comments from bystanders about how horrid my kids were and what great parents we weren't? Of course not. We'll just leave that part out.
Then this old couple walked by. The grandma (she must have been a grandma because she wasn't shooting me dirty looks) said, "Aren't you lucky to have so many kids?" I shot her the "Are you serious?" look and she winked at me and said, "Of course you are! You have music wherever you go!" That was all it took! I immediately started laughing which made my kids stop crying/whining/begging/complaining and laugh too. They had no idea what they were laughing at, but it didn't matter. We were in the middle of Costco laughing about how blessed we are to be a family and my heart was full to overflowing. All I can say is bless her. Bless her for being kind and genuine to a perfect stranger in need. I hope I can be more like her when I grow up.
love it!
That is awesome!!!! I am totally going to steal that line :)
Oh and you should totally get a GPS. I got one last year from Santa and wasn't very excited about it..until I used it and then I was sold! I couldn't have made my transatlantic journey without it...or many errands.
You ARE right! Bless her heart! I want to be like her when I grow up.
Ummmm...you don't have a GPS yet? Seriously. I love that Grandma and wish i could kiss her on the cheek right now for making you laugh. Love her! Love what she said! Love you and hope you have a great day!
We need more grandmas like her. Bless her heart.
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